Monday, June 23, 2008

Thanks, Korea. xoxo

Things I want to thank Korea for:
- norebangs -->
- punch machines
- the best food in the world
- cheap taxis and great public transportation
- no tipping!
- hot, hairless boys
- SOJU and no curfews
- cute stationary
- cheap heels
- the cutest kids ever
- physical comedy
- learning how much you can actually DO in a day - when your mom plans it all for you
- "respect" for your elders

Things I hate Korea for:

- no city planning
- the worst skin and scars of my life
- crazy christians - physical comedy
- hot, hairless girls...with less than 4% body fat
- undeserved cockiness
- cutting, bumping, pushing
- ajummas...and the prospect of becoming one
- SOJU and no curfews...

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